
From Camopedia
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Camopedia is a portmanteau of camouflage and encyclopedia. The site is a living document, providing a comprehensive, accurate, and academically-supported database referencing all of the major military and paramilitary camouflage patterns that have been in use around the world since the beginning of the 20th century. This reference is available as a free resource for historians, government agencies, military personnel, collectors, artists & designers, airsoft & MILSIM enthusiasts, military modelers, and all others with an interest in camouflage design, development, and history.

We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of fellow collectors, historians, military personnel, and published authors - particularly fellow members of the International Camouflage Uniform Society (ICUS) - for their support, contributions, and assistance in clarifying data for this site. Where appropriate, these individuals are credited individually in the appropriate sections.

Original submissions, corrections and supplemental information are welcomed and appreciated, in order for the site to expand. Individuals whose input substantially adds to the content of individual pages will be credited in the appropriate section(s). We encourage anyone with clear photographic examples of patterns not represented herein (or those represented only by photographs borrowed from the public domain) to submit them so we may add to and improve the site. Any data to be considered for inclusion on this site should be appropriately documented with source material.

Should you have any comments please send email to:

Thank you for patronizing our site,

Eric H Larson, Executive Editor

Camopedia was originally envisioned by Henrik Clausen and Eric H Larson.