M/84 desert

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  • The desert version of the Danish M/84 pattern. This pattern was first issued to UN troops deployed as part of the UNMEE force in 2000 (UNMEE was deployed in Ethiopia and Eritrea). Later this pattern has been used in Iraq and Afghanistan by Danish troops. The pattern is exactly the same as the standard M/84 pattern but with different colours (30.8 % brown, 60.3 % tan and 8.9 % green).

Denmark m84 desert pattern.jpg

  • Danish M/01 desert jacket. This is the version currently used in Afghanistan. The first version (issued as T/99 in 2000) did not have velcro and pockets on the upper sleeves.

Danish m01 desert.jpg

  • Danish M/01 uniform. This is the old version without velcro and pockets on the upper sleeves.

Dk m84desert.jpg

  • Comparision of the Danish and the German desert pattern

Comparison Danish and German desert.jpg