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MARPAT (MARine PATtern) is used by the USMC - but also by other armies (eg. Bosnia and Herzegovina)

  • The concept of "digital camoulfage," designed using computer algorithms and incorporating pixelated shapes rather than more natural organic ones, was pioneered by the Canadian government in 1996. Impressed by statistical evidence indicating digital designs could more effectively camouflage a target than traditional organic types, and seeking a distinctive combat uniform of its own to set its Marines apart from the other US military services, the USMC sought to develop its own digital camouflage pattern. The result is the MARPAT (Marine Pattern) series of designs, adopted in 2001 (and 2005). Although the USMC has laid claim to conducting its own independent schedule of research resulting in the MARPAT camouflage, most experts in the field of camouflage design agree that in fact the they are based entirely around the original Canadian CADPAT schematic. A series of four different variations were tested, although only three were ultimately adopted by the USMC. These are: MARPAT Woodland, MARPAT Desert, MARPAT Winter, and MARPAT Urban (tested, but not adopted). One unique feature of the MARPAT series of patterns is the incorporation of a miniature USMC EGA symbol at periodic stages of the design, thus stamping the "copyright" of the US Marine Corps in these designs.

Usa10.jpg Usa11.jpg